Збірники завдань




контрольних робіт

з англійської мови для учнів І курсу ПТНЗ

























контрольних робіт

з англійської мови

для учнів І курсу ПТНЗ






Маліцька Н.М.


















Радомишль - 2017


Матеріали розглянуті, схвалені та рекомендовані до друку

на Навчально-методичній раді Навчально-методичного кабінету

професійно-технічної освіти у Житомирській області (протокол №1 від 30.12.2018 р.)




Рецензенти:         В.Л. Муренко, методист НМК ПТО у Житомирській області,


                             Л.Ф. Канюка, методист, ДНЗ «Малинський професійний ліцей»,

                             викладач англійської мови, вища категорія, викладач-методист


           Маліцька Н.М. 

           Збірник контрольних робіт з англійської мови для учнів І курсу ПТНЗ/

 Н.М. Маліцька.  – Радомишль, 2018р.  -  69 с.


           Збірник містить завдання контрольних робіт для учнів І курсу з чотирьох тем «Я, моя сім'я, друзі», «Дозвілля і спорт», «Харчування» та «Природа і погода», що  охоплюють всі види мовленнєвої діяльності: аудіювання, говоріння, читання та письмо. У виданні вміщено також критерії оцінювання і завдання двох варіантів  перевірочної контрольної роботи за базову середню школу.

          Збірник розроблено відповідно до чинних програм з англійської мови  для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з англійської мови (рівень-стандарт).

          Розрахований на учнів та педагогічних працівників професійно-технічних навчальних закладів, може використовуватися не тільки для контрольних робіт, а й під час уроків як дидактичний матеріал. 



Н.М. Маліцька, 2017 р.

Комп’ютерний набір, верстка і оригінал-макет –



                                                                                                                 ДПТНЗ «РАДОМИШЛЬСЬКИЙ ПРОФЕСІЙНИЙ ЛІЦЕЙ», 2018 р.
















Збірник контрольних робіт з англійської мови для учнів І курсу ПТНЗ містить перевірочну контрольну роботу за базову середню школу, що допоможе   викладачеві визначити фактичний рівень знань першокурсників з метою виявлення та подальшого усунення прогалин в них, планування,  організації і проведення уроків.

Основна частина збірника містить різнорівневі завдання контрольних робіт для учнів І курсу з чотирьох тем «Я, моя сім'я, друзі», «Дозвілля і спорт», «Харчування» та «Природа і погода», що  охоплюють всі види мовленнєвої діяльності: аудіювання, говоріння, читання та письмо з критеріями оцінювання.

Оцінюється рівень засвоєння вивчених тем. Всі завдання побудовані на матеріалах, що відображають реалії життя в англомовних країнах. Різниця між рівнями забезпечується завдяки:

-         підбору автентичних текстів (основні ознаки – відображення реалій справжнього життя, обізнаність учня з життєвими ситуаціями), що  відповідають темам навчальної програми з урахуванням вікових особливостей та інтересів учнів;

-         добору завдань за складністю з огляду на критерії  лінгвістичної складності, типу, обсягу.


При укладанні збірника було з’ясовано, яка інформація стосовно вивчення певної теми найбільше цікавить учнів. Саме тому комплект містить завдання з урахуванням уподобань учнів, а чіткі критерії оцінювання дають змогу самостійно оцінити свій рівень знань.    





















ВСТУП …………………………………………………………………………….…..4


Частина І. Завдання і критерії оцінювання

перевірочної контрольної роботи ……………………………………………………. 6

Частина ІІ. Тема «Я, моя сім'я, друзі»

Контроль навичок аудіювання з теми ……………………………………………….. 14

Контроль навичок говоріння з теми ……………………………………………….. 19

Контроль навичок читання з теми …………………………………………….…… 21

Контроль навичок письма з теми ………….…………………………………...….. 27

Частина ІІІ. Тема «Дозвілля і спорт»

Контроль навичок аудіювання теми ………….…………………………………...  29

Контроль навичок говоріння з теми ………..……………………………………….. 33

Контроль навичок читання з теми …………………………………………………. 35

Контроль навичок письма з теми ……………………………………………………40

Частина ІV. Тема «Харчування»

Контроль навичок аудіювання  з теми …………………………………………..……42

Контроль навичок говоріння з теми ………………………..……………………… 46

Контроль навичок читання  з теми ………………………………………………… 47

Контроль навичок письма  з теми………………………………………………….. 52

Частина V. Тема «Природа і погода»

Контроль навичок аудіювання  з теми ……………………………………………. 55

Контроль навичок говоріння  з теми …………………………………………………61

Контроль навичок читання з теми ………………………………………………… 62

контроль навичок письма з теми …………………………………………………... 66

Список використаних джерел…………………………………………………… 69







ЗАВДАННЯ І КРИТЕРІЇ ОЦІНЮВАННЯ ПЕРЕВІРОЧНОЇ КОНТРОЛЬНОЇ РОБОТИ відповідно до Критеріїв оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів з іноземних мов у системі загальної середньої освіти затверджених Наказом МОН № 371 від 05.05.2008 року:


                                                                                                       Таблиця 1


Назва завдання

Критерії оцінювання

Частина 1 «Читання»

Читання тексту та встановлення відповідності: правдиві й  неправдиві твердження до тексту

1 правильна відповідь- 6 балів. Максимальна кількість балів – 36.               

Частина 2 «Граматика»

Заповнення пропусків у тексті                  (6 пропусків з 4 варіантами відповіді)

6 тверджень до тексту. 1 правильна відповідь – 6 балів. Максимальна кількість балів – 36.                

Частина 3 «Лексика»

Заповнення пропусків у тексті (6 пропусків з 4 варіантами відповіді)

1 правильна відповідь – 6 балів. Максимальна кількість балів – 36.

Частина 4 «Письмо»

Написання електронного листа (не менше 50, максимум  – 80 слів) відповідно до запропонованої комунікативної  ситуації з дотриманням 3 обов’язкових умов

0 – 82 балів                (Додаток 1)



  Шкала оцінювання письмової роботи


                                                                                                                 Таблиця 2

Зміст та комунікативна


Використання лексики

та граматики

Організація тексту


Виконання критерію


Виконання критерію


Виконання критерію


Достатній обсяг  для розкриття теми, повністю відповідає запропонованій комунікативній ситуації, дотримано всі 3 обов'язкові умови.


Достатній лексичний запас слів, вжито різні граматичні структури, сталі вирази та ідіоми. Допускається максимум 3 негрубі  помилки, що не  перешкоджають розумінню написаного листа.


Лист має чітку структуру, повне дотримання норм і правил написання електронного листа. Правильно вжиті  слова-зв’язки та  вставні слова. Присутні змістові абзаци.



Достатній обсяг  для розкриття теми, повністю відповідає запропонованій комунікативній ситуації, виконано           2 із 3 обов'язкових умов.


Достатній лексичний  запас учня, незначна кількість складносурядних і складнопідрядних речень, моделей тощо. Допускається  до 6-ти помилок, що не  перешкоджають розумінню написаного листа.


Лист не має чіткої структури, не повністю дотримано норми і правила написання електронного листа.


Достатній обсяг  для розкриття теми, неповністю відповідає запропонованій комунікативній ситуації, виконано          2 із 3 обов'язкових умов.


Посередній лексичний запас учня, переважають прості непоширені речення, вжито мало граматичних структур і сталих виразів. Допускається  до 10 помилок, що не перешкоджають розумінню написаного листа.


Лист не має чіткої структури, не дотримані норми і правила написання електронного листа.


Обсяг листа становить 50 % від запропонованого. Тема розкрита лише частково, хоча присутні 2 обов'язкові умови.



Низький  лексичний запас учня, переважають непоширені речення, вжито мало граматичних структур і сталих виразів. Є більше  10 помилок, що перешкоджають розумінню написаного листа.


Лист не має чіткої структури і логіки. Фактично є набором непов'язаних між собою речень.


Обсяг листа становить не більше 50 % від запропонованого. Тема розкрита лише частково,  присутня 1 обов'язкова умова із 3.


Низький  лексичний запас учня. Є більше  10 помилок, що перешкоджають розумінню написаного листа.


Лист не має чіткої структури і логіки. Фактично є набором непов'язаних між собою словосполучень.


Обсяг листа становить менше              50 % від запропонованого. Тема нерозкрита. Жодна із  обов'язкових умов не виконана.


Низький  лексичний запас учня. Є більше  10 помилок, що перешкоджають розумінню написаного листа.


Лист не має чіткої структури і логіки. Фактично є набором непов'язаних між собою слів і словосполучень.



1.     Якщо учень не приступав до виконання завдання, перевірочна робота вважається невиконаною і оцінюється в 0 балів.

2.     Дана таблиця співвідношення письмової роботи визначає лише кількісні параметри помилок. Якісні параметри (тип помилки, їх повторюваність, вплив вжитих помилок на розуміння) залишаються на розсуд викладача.


                                                                                                                  Таблиця 3

Таблиця співвідношення

200-бальної системи з оцінкою за 12-бальною системою оцінювання

Кількість набраних балів


























Варіант І



Task 1. Read the text and mark if the statements are T (True) or F (False).


Can you imagine a world without cars? We have only had cars for about 20 years. People laughed at the first cars. They were slow and noisy. Two German engineers, Daimler  and Benz, made the first car with a gasoline engine in 1885. It had only three wheels. From about 1905, companies like Rolls-Royce started to make cars. They were very expensive because people made each car by hand. Then, in 1913, the Ford Motor Company started to make their Model T car in a special factory. Ford’s factories produced cars quickly, so the Model T was less expensive than other cars. By 1927, there were more than 15 million Model Ts on the roads.

Gasoline in the USA was cheap and people wanted to travel long distances, so by 1950, American cars were large. In Europe and Asia, drivers preferred small cars that were better in city traffic.

Sports cars, like the Bugatti Veyron, are low. This helps the car to go fast because air can move easily over it. The Bugatti Veyron goes faster than 400 kilometres per hour. It costs 1,5 million US dollars, and the people who make the cars have only sold a few hundred since they started to produce them in 2005.

The Peel P50 is the smallest car in the world. It was first made in 1963. It is 134 centimetres long and 99 centimetres wide. Its top speed is 61 kilometres per hour.

The world’s longest car is the American Dream. It has 24 wheels and it is 30,5 metres longl It has a swimming pool and a helicopter can land on it.

T F 

□ □ The Ford Model T was expensive to produce.

□ □  Rolls-Royce sold 15 million cars between 1913 and 1927.

□ □  Small cars are good in city traffic.

□ □  People in the USA travelled the long distances because of the cheap gasoline.

□ □  The Bugatti Veyron is 134 centimetres long.

□ □  The top speed of the smallest car is 61 kilometres per hour.






Task 2. Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (1-6).

Hi Anna! We’re in Australia at the moment. We’re visiting the Palmer family. You remem­ber them don’t, you? They’re the people who used to live next door. They moved to Australia last year (1)______Mrs Palmer got a job in Sydney.

There are lots of things (2)______you can do in Sydney. You can visit museums, watch sport or go to the beach. And the weather is great, (3)____you can spend all the time outside.

(4) ______I get home, I’ll show you the photos of the places that we visited and the people (5)______we met. But do you know something? (6) ______it’s a great place, I wouldn’t like to live here. I wouldn’t be able to see my friends, would ?








































Task 3. Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (7-12).


         Honey is a sweet liquid made by bees. It consists of water and sugars. Bees may travel as (7)_____as seventy-five thousand kilometres and visit over two million flowers to produce just half a kilo of honey. The colour and flavour of honey depend (8) ______the type of flower visited. In fact, there are more than three hundred (9)______of honey.

         In ancient times, honey was the main sweet food, as sugar was very (10)______. Honey was of great (11) ______to the ancient Egyptians, who used it as payment.

        Today, honey is produced and eaten in (12)_______part of the world. Research suggests that it prevents tiredness and improves athletic performance. However, honey is not just food — it can be taken for sore throats and is used in many skin and hair-care products.





































Task 4. A new gym has been opened recently in your school. Write an email to your friend about it (50 – 80 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

-         who can join the gym;

-         the types of trainings;

-         the clothes needed.

Варіант ІI


Task 1. Read the text and mark if the statements are T (True) or F (False).

Flamenco is very popular in southern Spain. It begins with guitar music and clapping and dancers join the performance. Sometimes a woman dances alone and sometimes she dances with a man. The woman usually wears a long, colourful dress. She moves her arms and hands slowly but her feet move fast, complicated steps, The man often wears black. Both dancers click their shoes on the floor when they dance around each other,

Cossack dances are from Ukraine. They are very energetic — some are more like gymnas­tics than dancing! Dancers have to be very fit because they jump very high and kick their legs up and down. They often jump over swords. The movements are similar to traditional Cossack activities, for example, sword fighting and getting on and off horses.

Limbo dancing is originally from West Africa but today it is an important part of celebra­tions in the Caribbean. Young people have to dance under a horizontal pole. The pole is often on fire and the dancers mustn’t touch it! After a successful ‘limbo’, they put the pole lower and do it again. Some dancers can dance under a pole just twenty centimetres off the ground!

Mask dances are important for the Dogon people in Mali. Each village makes different masks. They are often huge and colourful, There are masks of people, monsters or local animals like crocodiles, hyenas and monkeys. Mask dancers are always men and they dance to the sound of drums for hours after the death of a person in the village. Nowadays, Dogon villagers also perform the dances for tourists.

T F 

□ □ Flamenco is popular in Italy.

□ □ Cossacks dance slowly.

□ □ Cossack dances have movements which are similar to traditional activities,

□ □ Old people dance the limbo during carnivals.

□ □ Nowadays limbo is popular in the Caribbean.

□ □ Dogon masks are colourful.




Task 2. Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (1-6).

          Hi! We’re in Cairo today. It’s one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It’s the largest city in Africa, so there are a lot of things to see.

         It’s definitely (1) ______ place I’ve been to. The streets are crowded but there are more tourists than Egyptians in this part of town. It’s much (2) ______ than any town I’ve been far. It’s like one gigantic market place.

        We had coffee in the Cairo Tower this morning. It was (3) ______. It is (4) ______ structure in the city and has the (5) _______ view. Then we went to the Pharaonic Village which was very interesting.

        I’d better go. This is (6) ______ holiday in my life.

        Love, Betty









the hottest

more hot


more noisy

the noisiest






more lovely

the loveliest




the highest

the most high




more good




the busiest


more busy





Task 3. Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (7-12).


       Although some groups of people have always lived outdoors in tents, camping as we know it today only began to be (7)  ______about 50 years ago. The increase in the use of cars and improve­ments in camping equipment have allowed more people to travel longer (8)_______into the country­side and to stay there in greater comfort.

      Many campers like to be by themselves in quiet areas, so they (9)_____their tent and food and walk or cycle into the forests or the mountains. Others, preferring to be near people, drive to a public or privately-owned campsite which has up-to-date facilities, (10)______hot showers and swimming pools.

       Whether campers are (11)         ______in the mountains or on a busy site, they should remember to (12) ______the area clean and tidy. In the forests, they must put out any fires and keep food hidden to avoid attracting wild animals.






































Task 4. You want to make friends with somebody on the Internet. Write an email to your new pen-friend (50 – 80 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:

-         your appearance;

-         your character;

-         your interests.

Тема навчальної програми «Я, моя сім'я, друзі»

Контроль навичок аудіювання


Three Guests

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."

"Is the man of the house home?" they asked. "No", she said. "He's out."

"Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened. "Go tell them I am home and invite them in," he said.

The woman went out and invited the men in. "We do not go into a house together," they replied. "Why is that?" she wanted to know. One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!" he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"

His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?" Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife. "Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the three old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest." Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followed him.  

Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love, why are you coming in?" The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!"

Bаріант I

Task 1. True or false statements (+ / - ) (4 бали):

1.                A woman came out of her house and saw old men with long beards.

2.                She told three guests to come in and have some fun.

3.                They said they couldn’t come in without presents.

4.                In the evening the woman’s husband came home and heard about their strange guests.

5.                He told his daughter-in-law to invite the old men.

6.                They said that the only one old man would enter the couple’s house.

7.                The husband wanted to invite Success.

8.                The wife wanted to invite Health.

9.                The daughter-in-law suggested to invite Love.

10.           The old men said people who had Love would always also have Wealth and Happiness.

Task 2.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.           A woman came out of her house and saw 3:

a.           old men

b.           old women

c.           young men

d.           young women

2.            The woman suggested guests

a.           something to drink

b.           to leave her front yard

c.           something to eat

d.           to have some fun

3.           Three old men asked if

a.                 the woman was married

b.                her husband was in

c.                 her children were at home

d.                husband’s parents were in

4.           In the evening came woman’s husband, saw three old men and

a.                 invited them to his house

b.                told them to leave

c.                 asked if they were hungry

d.                told his wife to invite them

5.           They said

a.                 they didn’t go into a house together

b.                they needed some money

c.                 they wanted to eat

d.                they were thirsty

6.             The old men’s names were:

a.                 Success, Money, Health

b.                Wealth, Friendship, Love

c.                 Love, Wealth, Success

d.                Wealth, Success, Happiness

7.           After discussion the husband was overjoyed and wanted to invite

a.                 Success

b.                Wealth

c.                 Love

d.                Happiness

8.           His wife disagreed and suggested to invite

a.                 Wealth

b.                Love

c.                 Success

d.                Health

9.           Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house and suggested that it would be better to invite

a.                 Wealth

b.                Health

c.                 Success

d.                Love

10.       After invitation who entered the couple’s house

a.                 Success and Love

b.                Success and Wealth

c.                 Wealth, Love, Success

d.                nobody

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 

Bаріант II

Task 1. True or false statements (+ / - ) (4 бали):

1.                A woman came out of her house and saw old women with buckets.

2.                She told three guests to come in and have something to eat.

3.                They said they couldn’t come in without her husband.

4.                In the evening the woman’s husband came home and ordered their strange guests to leave their front yard.

5.                He told his son to invite the old men.

6.                They said that the only one old man would enter the couple’s house.

7.                The husband wanted to invite Health.

8.                The wife wanted to invite Success.

9.                The daughter-in-law suggested to invite Wealth.

10.           The old men said people who had Love would always also have Wealth and Health.

Task 2.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.                A woman came out of her house and saw 3:

a.                 old women

b.                young men

c.                 young women

d.                old men

2.                 The woman suggested guests

a.                 to leave her front yard

b.                something to drink

c.                 something to eat

d.                to have some fun

3.                Three old men asked if

a.                 the woman was married

b.                her children were at home

c.                 husband’s parents were in

d.                her husband was in

4.                In the evening came woman’s husband, saw three old men and

a.                 invited them to his house

b.                told his wife to invite them

c.                 asked if they were hungry

d.                told them to leave

5.                They said

a.                 they needed some money

b.                they didn’t go into a house together

c.                 they wanted to eat

d.                they were thirsty

6.                The old men’s names were:

a.                 Success, Money, Health

b.                Wealth, Honour, Love

c.                 Love, Wealth, Success

d.                Wealth, Success, Happiness

7.                After discussion the husband was overjoyed and wanted to invite

a.                 Wealth

b.                Health

c.                 Love

d.                Success

8.                His wife disagreed and suggested to invite

a.                 Wealth

b.                Success

c.                 Love

d.                Health

9.                Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house and suggested that it would be better to invite

a.                 Wealth

b.                Happiness

c.                 Love

d.                Success

10.           After invitation who entered the couple’s house

a.                 nobody

b.                Wealth, Love, Success

c.                 Success and Love

d.                Success and Wealth

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 


Тема навчальної програми «Я, моя сім'я, друзі»

Контроль навичок говоріння


Comment quotations:


1.                Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice. (Charles F. Kettering)

2.                You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. (Desmond Tutu)

3.                Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasure… (St. Thomas Aquinas)

4.                Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless. (Mother Teresa)

5.                A friend in need is a friend indeed.

or tell about your:

1.                Family.

2.                Friend’s family.

3.                Ideal family.

Критерії оцінювання за 12-бальною системою


№ п / п

Назва критерію

Кількість балів


Відповідність повідомлення зазначеній темі, комунікативній ситуації, поставленому завданню (відповідає – частково - не відповідає)

1 – 0,5 – 0


Повнота розкриття теми (повністю, частково, нерозкрита).

1 – 0,5 - 0


Організація повідомлення. Чітко (нечітко або взагалі не) прослідковується логічність висловлювань і його структура.

1 – 0,5 – 0


Достатність обсягу. Згідно чинної програми МОН з англійської мови «Рівень стандарт» обсяг усного висловлювання має становити не менше 20 речень (5 речень – 1 бал).



Лексико-граматична наповнюваність. Учнем вживаються переважно не прості розповідні (0,5 – 1 бал), а складнопідрядні і складносурядні речення, різноманітні лексичні одиниці, сталі граматичні структури, ідіоми, кліше для вираження власної думки, оціночних суджень і т.п.                    (2 бали). За помилки знімаються бали (0-2 помилки знімається 0 балів, 4-6 - 0, 5  балів, 7-9 – 1 бал, 10 і більше помилок – 1,5  бали)



Творчий підхід (супровід повідомлення фото, ілюстрації та картинки,  власна презентація)

1 – 2 – 3


Оцінка утворюється шляхом підрахунку загальної кількості набраних балів. При необхідності бали заокруглюються.






Тема навчальної програми «Я, моя сім'я, друзі»

Контроль навичок читання


“Ruthless” by William de Mille

        Outside, the woods lay in clear October sunlight: the autumn air was full of the sharp, exciting smell of moist, leaf-covered earth. Inside, a man smiled grimly as he turned from the bathroom cabinet, entered the primitive living room of his mountain camp, and crossed to a closet set in the pine wall.

         It was his special closet with a spring lock, and in it he kept guns, ammunition, fishing rods and liquor. Not even his wife was allowed to have a key, for Judson Webb loved his personal possessions and became furious if they were touched by any hand but his own.

        The closet door stood open: he had been packing his things away for the winter, and in a few minutes he would be driving back to civilization.

        As he looked at the shelf on which the liquor stood, his smile was not attractive. All the bottles were unopened, except one quart of Bourbon which was placed invitingly in front, a whiskey glass by its self. The bottle was less than half full. As he took it from the shelf, his wife spoke from the next bedroom. “Everything is packed, Judson,” she said.

        “Hasn’t Alec come to turn the water off and get the keys?”

        Alec lived about a mile down the road and acted as a caretaker for the city folks when they were away.

         “He’s down at the lake taking the boats out of the water. He said he’d be back in half an hour.”

        Mabel came into the room carrying her suitcase. But she paused in surprise as she saw the bottle in her husband’s hand. “Judson!” she exclaimed, “You’re not taking a drink at ten o’clock in the morning, are you?”

       “You’re wrong, my dear,” he chuckled, “I’m not taking anything out of this bottle; I’m only putting something into it.” His closed hand opened, and he put two tiny white tablets on the table as he started to uncork the whiskey.

        Her eyes narrowed as she watched him. She had learned to dread that tone of his voice; it was the tone he used when he was planning to “put something over” in business.

       “Whoever broke into my closet last winter and stole my liquor will probably try it again once we are out of here,” he went on, “only this time he’ll wish he hadn’t.”

        She caught her breath at this cruel vindictiveness as one by one he dropped the tablets into the bottle and held it up to watch them dissolve.

       “What are they?” she asked, “something to make him sick?”

       “And how!” He seemed fascinated as he saw the Bourbon changing into a deadly drink. “At least no one has found an antidote: once it’s down, it’s the end.”

        He corked the bottle and set it back on the shelf alongside the little whiskey glass.

       “Everything nice and handy,” he remarked, “now, Mr. Thief, when you break in, have a good drink; I won’t begrudge you this one.”

        The woman’s face was pale. “Don’t do it, Judson,” she gasped, “it’s horrible – it’s murder.”  

       “The law doesn’t call it murder if I shoot a thief who is entering my house by force,” he said harshly. “Also, the use of rat poison is not forbidden. The only way any rat can get into this closet is to break in. What happens then has nothing to do with me.”

       “Don’t do it, Judson,” she begged, “the law doesn’t punish burglary by death; so what right have you?”

       “When it comes to protecting my property, I make my own laws.” His deep voice was like that of a big dog growling at the possible loss of a bone.

       “But all they did was to steal a little liquor,” she pleaded, “probably some boys off on a lark. They didn’t do any real damage.”

       “That’s not the point,” he said. “If a man holds me up and robs me of five dollars, it makes me just as sore as if he took a hundred. A thief’s a thief.”

       She made one last effort. “We won’t be here till next spring. I can’t bear to think of that death-trap waiting there all the time. Suppose something happens to us – and no one knows.”

       He chuckled once more at her words. “We’ll take a chance on that,” he said. “I’ve made my pile by taking chances. If I should die, you can do as you please. The stuff will be yours.”

       It was useless to argue – she knew. He had always been ruthless in business and whenever anything crossed him. Things had to be done his way. She turned towards the door with a sigh.

      “I’ll walk down the road and say good bye at the farmhouse,” she said quietly, “you can pick me up there.” She had made up her mind to tell Alec’s wife. Someone had to know.

         “Okay, my dear,” he smiled, “and don’t worry about your poor little burglar. No one is going to get hurt who hasn’t got it coming to him.

         As she went down the path, he started to close the closet door, and then paused as he remembered his hunting boots outside on the porch. They belonged in the closet. So, leaving the door open, he went to fetch them from the heavy, rustic table on which they stood, along with his bag and top coat.

         Alec was coming up from the lake and waved to him from a distance.

         A chipmunk, hearing Judson’s heavy tread, left the acorn it was about to add to its store within the cabin wall and disappeared.

        When reaching for his boots, Judson stepped upon that acorn. His foot slid from under him and his head struck the massive table as he fell.

        Several minutes later, he began to regain his senses. Alec’s strong arm was supporting his head as he lay on the porch, and a kindly voice was saying, “It wasn’t much of a fall, Mr. Webb. You aren’t cut none; just knocked out for a minute. Here, take this. It’ll pull you together.” A small whiskey glass was pressed to Judson’s lips. Dazed and half-conscious he drank.


Варіант І


Task 1. True or false statements (+ / - ) (4 бали):


1. The scene of the story is laid in spring.  

2. Judson Webb turned from his living room.

3.  He entered the room with a special closet for arms, fishing-rods and alcohol beverages.  

4. His wife Mabel brought him a key to open the closet.

5. Judson saw that the closet door was closed.

6. He got angry.

7. The Bourbon bottle was full.

8. Judson dropped some white pills into a bottle.

9. Mabel tried to argue with her husband.

10. Alec pressed a small whiskey glass with poison to Judson’s lips.

Task 2.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.                Judson Webb smiled grimly as he entered the room of  …

a.                 his flat  b. his friend’s flat  c. his mountain camp  d. his country-house

1.                There was a special closet and … was allowed to have a key.

a.                 Mabel  b. Alec  c. Judson’s father  d. nobody

2.                Judson’s favourite possessions were:

a.                 arms and alcohol beverages   b. books and magazines  c. fishing rods and  buckets  d.  stamps and invitation cards

3.                Mr. Webb found out that his closet door stood open and was …

a.                 glad  b. violent  c. surprised  d. calm

4.                The bottle of Bourbon was …

a.                 unopened  b. opened  c. half full  d. full

5.                Mabel told her husband …

a.                 to take a drink    b. to carry her suitcase  c. to poison Bourbon  d. not to poison the drink

6.                Alec was…

a.                 to carry the couple’s baggage  b. to pack the couple’s things  c. to  look after the guests                      d. to entertain Judson and Mabel

7.                Judson was about to leave the camp house but suddenly he saw…

a.                 Alec   b. his gun  c. his boots  d. his wife

8.                He …

a.                 greeted  Alec  b. argued with his wife  c. struck his head  d. caught a chipmunk

9.                Alec pressed … to his lips.

a.                 poisoned drink  b. a cold bottle  c. his hand  d. a wet napkin

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 


Варіант ІI


Task 1. True or false statements (+ / - ) (4 бали):


1. The scene of the story is laid in winter.  

2. Judson Webb turned from his closet.

3. The man entered the bedroom with a special place where he kept his guns, ammunition and sweet alcohol beverages.  

4. His wife Mabel wasn’t allowed to have a key to open the special closet.

5. Judson saw that the closet door was opened.

6. He was surprised.

7. The Bourbon bottle was less than half full.

8. Judson dropped poisonous  pills into a bottle.

9. Mabel made up her mind to tell his neighbour Alec about poison.

10. Alec pressed a small whiskey glass with water to Judson’s lips.

Task 2.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.                Judson Webb smiled grimly as he entered the room of  …

a.                 his country-house  b. his mountain camp  c. his friend’s flat  d. his garage

2.                … was allowed to open a special closet.

a.                 Alec   b. Mabel  c. everybody  d. only Judson

3.                Judson’s guns, ammunition and other personal things were kept in the…

a.                 living-room  b. bathroom cabinet  c. dining-hall  d. garage

4.                Mr. Webb looked at the shelf on which his bottles stood and was…

a.                 surprised  b. overwhelmed  c. angry  d. thoughtful

5.                The reason of his bad temper was the fact that …

a.                 all the bottles were unopened    b. all the bottles were opened  c. one quart of liquor was less than half full  d. one bottle was broken 

6.                Judson Webb …

a.                 argued with his wife  b. dropped some poisonous pills into the bottle  c. took a pretty nice drink   d. visited Alec

7.                Alec …

a.                 was Mr. Webb’s neighbour  b. was a caretaker for city visitors  c. worked as a boatman                        d.  worked as a security officer

8.                Judson noticed …

a.                 that his hunting boots were outside  b. his wife Mabel went to Alec  c.  a chipmunk  d. a thief

9.                Suddenly Mr. Webb…

a.                 fell down  b. saw his former classmate  c. found some money  d. fell asleep

10.           Alec wanted to help and gave him…

a.                 some milk  b. some water  c. some lemonade  d. some liquor

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 







Тема навчальної програми «Я, моя сім'я, друзі»


Контроль навичок письма


Варіант І


Task 1. Fill in the table “Positive & Negative Features”. (2 бали)


Positive Features

Negative Features




Sociable, polite, selfish, impolite, thoughtful, open-minded, feels superior, curious, ill-mannered, sympathetic, open-minded, indifferent.


Task 2. Matching exercise. (3 бали)


1.     Competitive people


2.     Jealous people think that someone

3.     Sociable people are


4.     Manipulative people are



5.     Aggressive people



6.     Spoilt children


a.     get angry quickly and like fighting.

b.     always want to win.


c.      good at influencing others to do they want.

d.     behave badly because they are given everything they want.

e.      loves another person more than them, or wants that other people have.

f.       friendly and enjoy being with other people.


Task 3. Gapped text.  Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).   (4 бали)

My parents (1) that I’m lazy, because I (2) to help with the household chores. (3) their opinion, I am (4) and too noisy because whenever we (5), it seems that I’m talking to a person who is far away from me and once I start (6) – I talk and talk until I’ve run out of stories.

I think of myself as an ambitious person because I (7) high goals in athletics for myself. I (8) high goals for my career, and try to be a success in school.








am thinking


are thinking

have thought


not want

doesn’t want

don’t want

didn’t want















are talking




to talk




set off

set up



am having

is having

to have



Task 4. Comment the following quotation. Write 46 sentences. (3 бали)

A friend to all is a friend to none.


Тема навчальної програми «Я, моя сім'я, друзі»

Контроль навичок письма

Варіант ІІ

Task 1. Fill in the table “Positive & Negative Features”. (2 бали)


Positive Features

Negative Features




Unsociable, interested, rude, self-centered,  enthusiastic, aggressive, well-mannered, encouraging, sensitive, short-sighted, reflective, narrow-minded.


Task 2. Matching exercise. (3 бали)


1       .Bossy people


2.     Moody people

3.     Affectionate people


4.     Charming people have



5.     Selfish people

6.     Ambitious people


a.     think about themselves and not about other people.

want to be successful in life.

b.     an attractive personality that makes people like them.

c.      are happy one minute and sad the next one and are often bad-tempered.

d.     like giving orders.

e.      show that they like people very much.


Task 3. Gapped text. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).   (4 бали).

 My friends (1) that I am a talented person because I can (2), dance and act. They (3) I am a snob, but I (4) why. I am not a snob. Others think I am nice and fun to be with.

My teachers believe that I am a (5) student. They tell me that I (6) to be really trying my best (7) my school work and maintain my good grades. Sometimes they think I am lazy because I don’t pass my work (8) time.















so sign



to think





not know

don’t know

doesn’t know











not seem




to finish








2.                Task 4. Comment the following quotation. Write 46 sentences. (3 бали)

True friendship is a plant of slow growth.


Тема навчальної програми «Дозвілля і спорт»

Контроль навичок аудіювання


«The Rise of the Olympic Games»

         The Olympic Games originated long ago in ancient Greece. The Greeks idealized physical fitness and mental discipline, and they believed that excellence in those areas honored Zeus, the greatest of all their gods.

         One legend about the origin of the Olympic Games revolves around Zeus. It was said Zeus once fought his father, Kronos, for control of the world. They battled atop a mountain that overlooked a valley in southwestern Greece. After Zeus defeated his father, a temple and immense statue were built in the valley below to honor him. This valley was called Olympia, and soon religious festivals developed there as people came to worship Zeus and to approach as nearly as possible his great strength. It is believed that these religious festivals eventually led to the famed Games of the Olympics.

         The earliest recorded Olympic competition occurred in 776 B.C. It had only one event  192-meter race, which was won by a cook named Coroebus. This was the start of the first Olympiad, the four-year period by which the Greeks recorded their history.

         Athletic competition became so important to the Greeks that the Olympic festivals were a peaceful influence on the warlike city-states. Sparta was famous for the strict military training of its citizens. But it would wait until the Games were over before sending fighters into battle. Other cities followed this example.

          For the first 13 Olympic Games, the only event was the run. But over the years, new sports were added to the Games. The pentathlon, in which the athletes competed in five events (jumping, javelin, sprint, discus, and wrestling) was added to the Games in 708 B.C. The pancration was introduced in 648 B.C. This brutal sport had no rules and combined boxing and wrestling. A winner was named only when one man raised his hand in defeat or lay unconscious on the ground.

          Generally, only freeborn men and boys could take part in the Olympic Games (servants and slaves were allowed to participate only in the horse races). Women were forbidden, on penalty of death, even to watch the Games. In 396 B.C. , however, a woman from Rhodes successfully defied the death penalty. When her husband died, she continued the training of their son, a boxer. She attended the Games disguised as a man and was not recognized until she shouted with joy over her son's victory. Her life was spared because of the special circumstances and the fact that her father and brothers had been Olympians.

          At first, the Games were strictly for Greek citizens. Eventually, however, athletes from all over the Roman Empire were permitted to participate.

         All athletes were required to take an oath that they would observe all the rules and standards.

         Winners of the Games were crowned with wreaths of olive leaves and hailed as heroes. They were showered with material gifts, and sometimes a special entrance was cut in the wall surrounding their home city just for them to pass through; a symbol that the people of the city felt well protected with an Olympic champion living among them.

         Perhaps the greatest athlete of the ancient Games was Milo of Croton, a wrestler who lived in the 500's B.C. He won the wrestling crown six times, and he was said to be so powerful that he could carry a full-grown bull on his shoulders.

         The ancient Olympic Games were also honored, and inspired, by artists. The poet Pindar wrote many odes in praise of the Games' winners. The Olympic buildings were prime examples of the beauty of Greek architecture, and the remains of Zeus' great statue bear the signature of the famous Athenian sculptor and architect Phidias. Like the athletic champions, artistic champions were awarded olive wreaths and great acclaim.

Варіант І

Task 1. True or false statements (+ / - ) (4 бали):

1.                The Olympic Games have a long history.

2.                Ancient Greeks loved sport very much.

3.                The origin of the Olympics revolves around Kronos.

4.                Zeus once fought with Kronos and won.

5.                The first records about the Olympic competitions appeared in 776 A.D.

6.                The only event of the ancient Olympics was the run. 

7.                All the Greek citizens could take part in the Olympic Games.

8.                Athletes from the Roman Empire also could participate in the Games.

9.                Winners of the Olympic Games got a lot of money.

10.           The greatest athlete of the ancient Games was Milo of Croton.

Task 2.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.                The Olympic Games originated long ago in

a.                 ancient Africa b. ancient Greece c. the Roman Empire d. Britain

2.                According to the legend the Olympic Games appeared due to

a.                 Zeus b. Kronos c. Prometheus d. Aphrodite

3.                The earliest recorded Olympic competition was held in

a.                 1776 b. 776 A.D. c. 776 B.C. d. 777 B.C.

4.                For the first Olympic Games the only event was the

a.                 wrestling b. boxing  c. cycling  d. run

5.                … could take part in the Games.

a.                 servants b. slaves c. freeborn men and boys d. only women and girls

6.                … were forbidden, on  penalty of death, even to watch the competitions.

a.                 servants b. slaves c. women d. children

7.                Winners of the Games were gifted with

a.                 wreaths b. flowers c. new clothes d. a new house

8.                The greatest athlete of the ancient Games of the 500’s was

a.                 Zeus b. Kronos c. Milo of Croton d. Phidias

9.                The ancient Olympic Games were honoured by

a.                 musicians b. servants c. sculptors d. artists


10.           Like the athletic champions … were awarded olive wreaths.

a.                 musicians b. servants c. sculptors d. artists        

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 

Варіант ІІ

Task 1. True or false statements (+ / - ) (4 бали):

1.                The Olympic Games originated long ago in ancient Rome.

2.                Ancient Greeks idealized an ideal body.

3.                The Olympics were held in honour of Prometheus.

4.                Kronos once fought with his son Zeus and won.\

5.                The first recorded Olympic competition appeared in 776 B.C.

6.                The only event of the ancient Olympics was the throwing of discus.

7.                Women were not allowed to participate in the ancient Olympics.

8.                Sportsmen from the Roman Empire were permitted to take part in the Games.

9.                Winners of the Olympics were crowned with wreaths made of flowers.

10.           Milo of Croton was the greatest wrestler of the 500’s B.C.

Task 2.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.                The Olympic Games originated long ago in

a.                 ancient Greece b. ancient Africa c. the Roman Empire d. Britain

2.                According to the legend the Olympic Games appeared due to

a.                 Prometheus b. Kronos c. Zeus d. Aphrodite

3.                The earliest recorded Olympic competition was held in

a.                 1776 b. 776 B.C. c. 776 A.D. d. 776 B.C.

4.                For the first Olympic Games the only event was the

a.                 wrestling b. boxing  c. shooting  d. run

5.                … could take part in the Games.

a.                 servants b. slaves c. only women and girls d. freeborn men and boys

6.                … were forbidden, on  penalty of death, even to watch the competitions.

a.                 servants b. women c. slaves d. children

7.                Winners of the Games were gifted with

a.                 a new house b. flowers c. new clothes d. wreaths

8.                The greatest athlete of the ancient Games of the 500’s was

a.                 Zeus b. Kronos c. Phidias d. Milo of Croton

9.                The ancient Olympic Games were honoured by

a.                 servants b. artists c. sculptors d. musicians     

10.           Like the athletic champions … were awarded olive wreaths.

a.                 artists  b. servants c. sculptors d. musicians       

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 

Тема навчальної програми «Дозвілля і спорт»


Контроль навичок говоріння

Comment statement:

1.                Sports and physical activities are important for a long and healthy life.

or tell about:

2.                Your favourite kind of sports.

3.                Watching sport and sports competitions.

4.                International Sport Events.

5.                Popular kinds of sport in Great Britain.

6.                Popular kinds of sport in the USA.

Критерії оцінювання за 12-бальною системою

№ п / п

Назва критерію

Кількість балів


Відповідність повідомлення зазначеній темі, комунікативній ситуації, поставленому завданню (відповідає – частково - не відповідає)

1 – 0,5 – 0


Повнота розкриття теми (повністю, частково, нерозкрита).

1 – 0,5 - 0


Організація повідомлення. Чітко (нечітко або взагалі не) прослідковується логічність висловлювань і його структура.

1 – 0,5 – 0


Достатність обсягу. Згідно чинної програми МОН з англійської мови «Рівень стандарт» обсяг усного висловлювання має становити не менше 20 речень (5 речень – 1 бал).



Лексико-граматична наповнюваність. Учнем вживаються переважно не прості розповідні (0,5 – 1 бал), а складнопідрядні і складносурядні речення, різноманітні лексичні одиниці, сталі граматичні структури, ідіоми, кліше для вираження власної думки, оціночних суджень і т.п.                    (2 бали). За помилки знімаються бали (0-2 помилки знімається 0 балів, 4-6 - 0, 5  балів, 7-9 – 1 бал, 10 і більше помилок – 1,5  бали)



Творчий підхід (супровід повідомлення фото, ілюстрації та картинки,  власна презентація)

1 – 2 – 3

Оцінка утворюється шляхом підрахунку загальної кількості набраних балів. При необхідності бали заокруглюються.










Тема навчальної програми «Дозвілля і спорт»


Контроль навичок читання

Варіант І

Sports in the USA

        Americans play tennis, hockey and most other international sports but they do not play football in the same way as the rest of the world. The players can run with the ball, touch and push each other. Players wear special clothes for American football with helmets on their heads, because the game can be dangerous. Like international football teams, American teams have eleven players. The field looks different and even the ball is a different shape. American football is very different game.

      Americans love winter sports and ice hockey is the most popular game. This game is very fast and can be dangerous.

      Basketball is another popular game in America. Only five people in each team.

      Baseball is the most popular summer sport in America. The first American baseball match was in 1839 in New York. To play baseball you need two teams of nine players. Americans
start playing baseball young.
There are "leagues" which children of eight can join. The top players become big stars and earn a lot of money every year. Americans' interest in sports seems excessive to many  foreign visitors. Television networks spend millions of dollars arranging to telecast sports events. Publications about sports  sell widely.

       In the USA professional athletes can become national heroes.

        The sport that is most popular in most parts of the world—soccer—is not well known in the USA. The most popular sports are football and baseball, games that are not played in large number of countries.

        Sports play such an important role in American life that the sociology of sports, sports medicine, and sports psychology have become respectable specializations.

         Many Americans jog every day, or play tennis or bridge two or three times a week. They go on ski trips and hunting  expeditions that require weeks of planning and organizing.

         In the Americans' view, all these activities are worth the discomfort they may cause because they contribute to health and physical fitness. That is probably why Americans are known as a healthy nation. Americans are very fond of sport.

          The most popular sports in the USA are football, which is played from April to October, baseball, played from September to December, basketball, played from October to April and ice hockey, played in most northern cities from October to March.  American football derives from the English game of rugby. It started at Harvard University in the 1870's. It is a game for two teams of eleven men on the field. The object of the  game is to have the control of the ball and to score points by carrying it across the goal-line.

          Baseball is a team game derived from the English game of cricket. It is played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, on a field with four bases. Baseball is the national game in the USA and it is very popular in Canada too.

          Basketball is a game which nowadays is popular all over the world. It was invented in 1891. During the 20's the first US league championship was organized. In the 70's the
American Championship was divided into two leagues: the
  ABA (American Basketball Association), which does not exist  any longer and which played with a blue, red and white ball

and the NBA (National Basketball Association). The NBA is a professional league which still plays.

         There are more activities which Americans take part in  such as golf, swimming, tennis, aerobics, wrestling, etc.

Task 1. Make a list of popular American sports (1 бал).

 Task 2. True or false statements ( + / -  ) (3 бали).

1.                Americans play many international sports as well as football in the same way as the rest of the world.

2.                Players wear special clothes for American football and helmets.

3.                American football teams have 12 players.

4.                Americans don’t like winter sports.

5.                Baseball is a very popular summer game.

6.                To play baseball you need 22 players.

7.                In the USA professional sportsmen are national heroes.

8.                Many Americans play tennis every day.

9.                In the USA football is played all the year round.

10.           Americans also go in for golf, swimming, tennis, aerobics and wrestling.

Task 3.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.                Americans don’t play … in the same way as the rest of the world.

a.                 tennis b. football c. basketball d. baseball

2.                American football-players wear helmets

a.                 to look beautiful b. to entertain spectators c. because the game is dangerous d. because their coaches make them to do so

3.                There are … players in each basketball team.

a.                 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

4.                The most popular summer sport in the USA is

a.                 basketball   b. fencing c. golf d. baseball

5.                Soccer is … in the USA.

a.                 very popular b. not very popular c. not well-known d. well-known

6.                Many Americans jog

a.                 every week b. every day c. 2 or 3 times a day d. 2 or 3 times a week

7.                In the USA football is played in

a.                 from January to February b. from November to September c. from February to March d. from April to October

8.                Baseball is played

a.                 from October to April b. from September to December c. from May to August d. from October to March

9.                In the northern American cities ice hockey is played

a.                 from October to April b. from April to August c. from October to March d. from December to February

10.           NBA is

a.                 National Baseball Association b.  National Boxing Association c. National Badminton Association d. National Basketball Association

 Task 4. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 


Тема навчальної програми «Дозвілля і спорт»

Контроль навичок читання

Варіант ІI

Sports in Britain

         The British are a sporting nation. Like everyone else they love football - in fact, they invented it. Most British towns and cities have a football team. Every year, each team plays in the Football Association competition. The two best teams play in the Cup final at Wembley Stadium in London. It is one of the biggest sporting events of the year.

         Tennis is another popular game in Britain. Every summer, in June, the biggest international tennis tournament takes place at Wimbledon, a suburb of London. There are strawberries and cream for sale, and everyone hopes the rain will stay away.

         The British play many sports that are unknown in most other countries, for example: cricket, squash and netball.

            Cricket is a typically British sport which foreigners have difficulty in understanding. The game looks slow, but it can be exciting if you understand what's going on. There are two teams of eleven players: one man (“the bowler”) throws the ball, and the “batsman” hits it with his bat.

         Cricket is a very long game. Matches last from one to five days. Squash is another British invention. It is a form of tennis. There are two players and they use rackets similar to tennis rackets and a small, black rubber ball. They play indoors. It is a very fast and tiring sport!

         Netball is similar to basketball. There are seven players (usually girls or women) in each team and the object of the game is the same as in basketball: to throw the ball through a net at the top of a three-metre post.

         Swimming is very popular in Britain and there are many public swimming baths.

         Many British people who live near the sea, a lake or a river enjoy sailing. If you are really enthusiastic, you can take part in one of the annual sailing races or “regattas” as Cowes, near Portsmouth, for example, or at Henley on the river Thames.

            Golf is becoming increasingly popular. Athletics is growing all the time.

         Winter sports such as skiing are generally impossible in Britain (except Scotland) owing to the unsuitable climate, but more and more people spend winter holidays on the Continent in order to take part in them.


Task 1. Make a list of popular British sports (1 бал).

Task 2. True or false statements ( + / -  ) (3 бали).

1.                The British don’t like sports.

2.                Football was invented in Great Britain.

3.                The best football teams play at the Wembley Stadium.

4.                Tennis is not very popular in Britain.

5.                The British play many unknown games in the world.

6.                Cricket is a favourite British sport.

7.                Cricket is a very fast and interesting game.

8.                A cricket team consists of 12 players.

9.                A netball game is similar to volleyball.

10.           Skiing is very popular in Great Britain.

Task 3.   Multiple choice. Choose the only correct answer (a, b, c or d).  (5 балів).

1.                The British invented

a.                 baseball b. football c. throwing of discus d. basketball

2.                Every year the best … teams play in the Cup Final at the Wembley Stadium.

a.                 golf b. cricket c. football d. baseball

3.                Every summer, in June, the biggest international … tournament takes place in London.

a.                 golf b. football c. baseball d. tennis

4.                The British play many unknown in other countries sports, for example

a.                 squash b. football c. golf d. baseball

5.                A cricket team consists of … players.

a.                 9 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12

6.                Squash is a form of …

a.                 basketball b. tennis c. volleyball d. baseball

7.                Netball is similar to

a.                 basketball b. tennis c. volleyball d. baseball

8.                Many British people like

a.                 baseball and basketball b. chess and draughts c. swimming and sailing d. badminton and boxing

9.                … are British inventions.

a.                 chess and draughts b. baseball and basketball  c. boxing and wrestling d. squash and netball

10.           In Britain winter sports are

a.                 very popular b. impossible c. well-known d. not very popular

Task 4. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10  sentences) (3 бали). 


Тема навчальної програми «Дозвілля і спорт»

Контроль навичок письма

Варіант І

Task 1. Make a list of summer sports (2 бали).

Task 2. Matching exercise (3 бали).


1.               Cricket is


2.               The Cup Final is

3.               Rugby football is


4.               Association football is


5.               Golf is

6.               Tennis courts are


a.                played at the Empire Stadium, Wembley.

b.               played with an egg-shaped ball.

c.                associated with England.


d.               provided by every town in public parks.

e.                very popular in Great Britain.

f.                 played in the countryside.


Task 3. Gapped text (4 бали).

skiing, leader, the Olympics, team games, keep in shape, sports

My brother loves _______. When he was in high school he used to play a lot of _______ . he was always the team _______. He still plays soccer sometimes on the weekend, and in winter he goes _______ or snowboarding. Recently he has started going to the gym three times a week in order to _______. He also likes watching sports. If there is any sport on TV – the World Series, _______, or even Golf Open Championships – he’ll watch it.

Task 4. Write a paragraph answering the following questions (3 бали):

1.                Do you like sports?

2.                What sports do you know?

3.                Do you go in for sports? Why?



Тема навчальної програми «Дозвілля і спорт»

Контроль навичок письма

Варіант ІІ

Task 1. Make a list of winter sports (2 бали).

Task 2. Matching exercise (3 бали).


1.               Cricket


2.               Alpine skiing

3.               Brazil


4.               Golf


5.               The World Series in baseball

6.               Sumo wrestling


a.     was invented in Scotland.

b.     is the most popular sport in India.

c.  c. is  incredibly popular in Japan.


d.               have been the world football champion six times.

e.                is very popular in Switzeland.

f.                 is held in the USA.


Task 3. Gapped text (4 бали).

lost, pitch, game, matches, team, tennis

I used to hate sport when I was at school. We had to stand around for hours on a cold soccer _______. No one ever wanted me to be in their _______ and the team I was in usually _______. I never even liked to watch sport either. A lot of my friends used to go to football _______ on Saturday afternoons, and I went with them sometimes, but only because I didn’t want to feel left out. When I was at university I started playing _______. I know I’m not very good at the _______, but it is nice to get some exercise.

Task 4. Write a paragraph answering the following questions (3 бали):

1.                What is your favourite kind of sports?

2.                Do you go in for sports?

3.                Is sport important in our lives? Why?


Тема навчальної програми «Харчування»


Контроль навичок аудіювання


The History of the Sandwich


          1st century B.C. A famous rabbi, Hillel the Elder, made the first recorded sandwich. He mixed some nuts, apples, and spices with some wine, and put it between two matzohs (pieces of flat bread).

          6th – 16th Century. People used bread as plates. They put meat and vegetables onto some bread and ate with their fingers. These were the first open sandwiches, and they called them ‘trenchers’.

          18th Century The name ‘sandwich’ first appeared. An Englishman, John Montague (1718–1792), the Fourth Earl of Sandwich (Sandwich is a town in the South of England), liked to eat and gamble at London’s Beef Steak Club. Sometimes he stayed 24 hours at the gaming table. He was hungry, but he didn’t want to stop gambling, so the chefs from the club put some beef between two pieces of bread, and he ate while he gambled. This new meal became very fashionable with other men in the club, and they called it the ‘sandwich’ after the Earl.

          19th Century. An American writer, Eliza Leslie, introduced sandwiches to America. In 1837, she wrote a cookbook, ‘Directions for Cookery’. In it she had a recipe for ham sandwiches: ‘Cut some thin slices of bread and ham. Butter the bread and put the ham between two slices with some mustard. Eat for lunch or supper.’ Americans loved them.

          20th – 21st Century. Sandwiches became very popular indeed. They were easy to make and they were a wonderful, cheap, portable meal for workers and school children.

          Did you know...? The ‘Dagwood’ sandwich is the sandwich to top all sandwiches. It is enormous! Named after the American cartoon character Dagwood Bumstead, it is made with a great many layers of meat, cheese, tomatoes, egg, salad, and vegetables.


Варіант І


Task 1. True or false statements (+ / -) (4 бали).


1.                The first recorded sandwich was made in 1000 A.D.

2.                In the fifteenth century people used bread as plates.

3.                They used to eat with forks and knives.

4.                The first open sandwiches were called trenchers.

5.                The first sandwiches were made from bread, meat and vegetables.

6.                John Montague was a famous English gambler.

7.                The name sandwich first appeared in the 19th century.

8.                The Fourth Earl of Sandwich introduced the meal named after him to Americans.

9.                Sandwiches were not popular in the 20th century.

10.           The biggest sandwich is named after the cartoon character Donald Duck.


Task 2. Multiple choice (a, b, c or d) (5 балів).


1.                The first recorded sandwich appeared in

a.                 100 B.C.  b. 100 A.D.  c. 200 A.D.  d. 200 B.C.

2.                The first sandwich was made from

a.                 bread and meat  b. bread and butter  c. bread and fruits  d. bread and vegetables

3.                In the sixteenth century people used to eat with

a.                 plates  b. fingers  c. spoons  d. forks

4.                Medieval people ate sandwiches with

a.                 meat and cheese  b. cheese and sausages  c. meat and butter  d. meat and vegetables

5.                People called the first open sandwiches

a.                 sandwiches  b. trenchers  c. dagwoods   d. matzohs

6.                The name sandwich first appeared in  

a.                 fifteenth century  b. sixteenth century  c. seventeenth century  d. eighteenth century

7.                Sandwiches are named after

a.                 an English inventor  b. an English nobleman  c. an English rabbi  d. an English cook

8.                Eliza Leslie was an American

a.                 cook  b. gambler  c. writer  d. cartoon character

9.                Americans like sandwiches with

a.                 meat and vegetables  b. cheese and butter  c. sausages and butter  d. ham and mustard

10.           The top of all sandwiches “Dagwood” is named after

a.                 cartoon character  b. American cook  c. English nobleman  d. famous rabbi Elder


Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences). (3 бали).  


Варіант ІI


Task 1. True or false statements (+ / -) (4 бали).


1.                The first recorded sandwich was made in 100 B.C.

2.                In the seventeenth century people used bread as plates.

3.                They used to eat with their fingers.

4.                The first open sandwiches were called hamburgers.

5.                The first sandwiches were made from bread, fruits and spices.

6.                John Montague was a famous English nobleman.

7.                The name sandwich first appeared in the 17th century.

8.                Eliza Leslie introduced sandwiches to Americans.

9.                Sandwiches were very popular in the 20th century.

10.           The biggest sandwich is named after the cartoon character Bumstead.

Task 2. Multiple choice (a, b, c or d) (5 балів).


Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences). (3 бали).  


1.                The first recorded sandwich appeared in

a.                 100 A.D.  b. 100 B.C.  c. 200 A.D.  d. 200 B.C.

2.                The first sandwich was made from

a.                 bread and fruits  b. bread and butter  c. bread and meat  d. bread and vegetables

3.                In the fourteenth century people used to eat with

a.                 plates  b. forks  c. spoons  d. fingers

4.                Medieval people ate sandwiches with

a.                 meat and cheese  b. cheese and sausages  c. meat and vegetables d. meat and butter 

5.                People called the first open sandwiches

a.                 sandwiches  b. matzohs c. dagwoods   d. trenchers

6.                The name sandwich first appeared in  

a. sixteenth century  b. seventeenth century  c. eighteenth century  d. nineteenth century

7.                Sandwiches are named after

a.                 an English inventor  b. an English gambler  c. an English rabbi  d. an English cook

8.                Eliza Leslie was an American

a.                 cook  b. gambler  c. cartoon character d. writer

9.                Americans like sandwiches with

a.                 ham and mustard  b. meat and vegetables  c. cheese and butter  d. sausages and butter 

10.           The world biggest sandwich “Dagwood” is named after

a.                 cartoon character  b. American cook  c. English nobleman  d. famous rabbi Elder


Тема навчальної програми «Харчування»


Контроль навичок говоріння

Comment quotations:

1.                To lengthen your life, lessen your meals. (Benjamin Franklin)

2.                The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine. (Hippocrates)

or tell about:

3.                Your favourite dish.

4.                Eating traditions in your family.

5.                Ukrainian cuisine.

6.                British cuisine.

7.                Healthy eating tips.

Критерії оцінювання за 12-бальною системою

№ п / п

Назва критерію

Кількість балів


Відповідність повідомлення зазначеній темі, комунікативній ситуації, поставленому завданню (відповідає – частково - не відповідає)

1 – 0,5 – 0


Повнота розкриття теми (повністю, частково, нерозкрита).

1 – 0,5 - 0


Організація повідомлення. Чітко (нечітко або взагалі не) прослідковується логічність висловлювань і його структура.

1 – 0,5 – 0


Достатність обсягу. Згідно чинної програми МОН з англійської мови «Рівень стандарт» обсяг усного висловлювання має становити не менше 20 речень (5 речень – 1 бал).



Лексико-граматична наповнюваність. Учнем вживаються переважно не прості розповідні (0,5 – 1 бал), а складнопідрядні і складносурядні речення, різноманітні лексичні одиниці, сталі граматичні структури, ідіоми, кліше для вираження власної думки, оціночних суджень і т.п.                    (2 бали). За помилки знімаються бали (0-2 помилки знімається 0 балів, 4-6 - 0, 5  балів, 7-9 – 1 бал, 10 і більше помилок – 1,5  бали)



Творчий підхід (супровід повідомлення фото, ілюстрації та картинки,  власна презентація)

1 – 2 – 3

Оцінка утворюється шляхом підрахунку загальної кількості набраних балів. При необхідності бали заокруглюються.

Тема навчальної програми «Харчування»


Контроль навичок читання


Варіант І

Ukrainian Meals

People in Ukraine like to eat good and tasty food cooked of fresh products. Fast food is not very popular in Ukraine as Ukrainian women prefer to cook at home. And many of them are real masters at cooking.

Since old time Ukrainian national cooking has been famous for great variety of tasty and useful dishes.

Ukrainian women always collected recipes of cooking different dishes. This tradition is kept nowadays as well.

The most popular dish in Ukraine which every Ukrainian lady can cook is borsch. It has up to twenty ingredients. There is a proverb that says: “Each hostess has her borsch” as there is a lot of variants to cook it.

Soups are very popular in Ukraine. And you can find a lot of them in Ukrainian cuisine. The most popular of them are yushka, shcherba (fish soup), chicken broth, noodle soup, pea soup, mushroom soup and milk soup. All of them are very tasty.

Ukrainians cook meat in different ways. You will be able to try here cutlets, boiled meat, meat dumplings, fried and roasted meat. People usually have meat as the second course or as the main course. As garnish or as a side dish they usually have fried, boiled or mashed potatoes, vegetables cooked in different ways or salads.

There are a lot of dishes cooked from flour. In Ukraine you can try varenyky, pancakes, halushkas and different kinds of pies.

Among traditional drinks you will find kvas, uzvar, fruit  juices, sour milk. Sure, tea, coffee and cocoa are also very popular here nowadays.

Traditionally Ukrainian alcoholic drinks are not very strong. They are good wines, honey drinks and beer. Stronger drinks, like horilka, traditionally contain herbs and are drunk in small doses to warm the body but not to make the person drunk.

Ukrainian cuisine has variety of recipes. And it is worth trying!


Task 1. True or false statements (+ / -) (4 бали).


1.                Fast food is very popular among Ukrainians.

2.                Ukrainian women prefer eating out.

3.                Borsch is a traditional Ukrainian dish.

4.                Ukrainian borsch contains at least five ingredients.

5.                Most Ukrainians don’t like soups.

6.                The most favourite way of cooking among Ukrainians is frying.

7.                Ukrainians cook many meat dishes.

8.                Sweetened black tea with lemon or milk is a traditional Ukrainian drink.

9.                Traditionally Ukrainians like to drink strong alcohol beverages.

10.           Ukrainian cuisine is various and rich.


Task 2. Multiple choice (a, b, c or d) (5 балів).


1.                People in Ukraine like to eat

a.                 exotic food  b. homemade food  c. fast food  d. vegetarian food

2.                Ukrainian women like

a.                 home cooking  b. restaurant food  c. to cook fast or junk food  d. vegetarian food

3.                Ukrainian proverb says that every hostess has her own recipe of

a.                 soup  b. borsch  c. varenyky  d. cutlets

4.                Ukrainian borsch contains

a.                 at least 5 ingredients  b. 10 ingredients  c. 15 ingredients  d. up to 20 ingredients

5.                Ukrainian women are fond of

a.                 eating out  b. drinking alcohol beverages  c. preparing gourmet food  d. collecting different recipes

6.                Yushka and shcherba are a kind of

a.                 the second courses  b. borsches  c. soups  d. drinks

7.                … is a meat dish.

a.                 shcherba  b. milk soup  c. pancakes  d. cutlet

8.                Salad is

a.                 a garnish  b. the main course  c. a dessert  d. a drink

9.                Traditional Ukrainian dishes containing flour are

a.                 borsch  b. varenyky  c. mashed potatoes  d. uzvar

10.           Favourite Ukrainian alcohol beverage is

a.                 uzvar  b. cocoa  c. horilka  d. tea


Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences). (3 бали). 



Тема навчальної програми «Харчування»

Контроль навичок читання


Варіант ІI


Time Honoured Traditions of the English Tea Ceremony

English history tells us that Queen Anne first started the time honoured traditions of English Tea Ceremony in 1665. England began importing tea from Asian countries during that year. After that, drinking tea rapidly gained popularity and became a custom in many of the houses in England by 1700. London alone had hundreds of copy shops at that time thus providing a ceremonious acceptance for tea drinking following in the English culture.

British people hold tea ceremonies on special occasions. These include weddings, birthday parties, even the New Year are just some of them. Some international hotels in England also host traditional tea ceremonies for special guests. Most tourists specifically research on the English tea tradition when they are to make a visit to England.

British afternoon tea ceremony enjoys a long history. Unfortunately, modern busy British people have no time to spend on afternoon tea services nowadays. Typically, afternoon tea is offered between 3 and five p.m. Now it has become a custom they carry out only on special occasions.

The history of the Afternoon tea ceremony in England roots back to the year 1800. The Duchess of Bedford did not tolerate being without having dinner at nine p.m. which happened more often. So she had started having a cup of tea with a piece of bread spread with butter. Usually, she enjoyed her Tea with her Royal friends. After that, other high society ladies followed in her footsteps and started hosting friends and treating them with cups of tea served with butter and bread.

Afternoon tea is known as ‘low tea’ as well. Since householders have served tea on low tables in their sitting rooms, British people have recognized the ceremony as the Low Tea custom. However, in the USA, it boasts a High Tea Ceremony. It is not because they serve tea late evenings but because they usually serve tea on high tables.

Traditionally, the participants in afternoon tea ceremony in England, hold cups of tea which have no handles. They lift the cup very slowly balancing it by curving a finger. Wrapping a cup wholly or setting the cup on the palm is treated as uncustomary. Visitors usually use a spoon to stir tea in the cup, but they are careful not to make any sounds by tapping the inner part of the cup with the spoon as they stir the tea. Then they place the spoon on the saucer on its right side. Sip by sip, they place the cup on the saucer. British people more often serve black tea with milk and sugar. Sometimes, they serve tea with lemon slices as well.

Occasionally, a nearby stand holds food. It has many three tiers and visitors customarily serve themselves food from its top to bottom. The first tier contains scones, second sandwiches and the third, sweets. Visitors serve themselves sweets only after having the items on the first two tiers.

Today, the British do not have time to dedicate to afternoon tea ceremonies. But they still engage in these happy moments when they celebrate special events in their lives or when they happen to host guests. In most of the countries where people regularly drink cups of tea, they eagerly wait for having one. People in England also are no different.


Task 1. True or false statements (+ / -) (4 бали).


1.                England began importing tea in the 17th century.

2.                The British tea ceremony is well-known around the world.

3.                The Afternoon tea ceremony is called high tea.

4.                Queen Anne first started the Afternoon tea ceremony.

5.                In Britain tea is usually served on low tables.

6.                The British usually drink tea early in the morning.

7.                Tea-drinkers try not to be noisy while stirring their tea.

8.                The British like sweetened green tea with milk.

9.                British tea ceremony has a long and rich history.

10.           Traditionally the British drink tea between 3p.m. and 5 p.m.


Task 2. Multiple choice (a, b, c or d) (5 балів).


1.                … started the British tea ceremony.

a.                 Queen Elizabeth  b. Queen Anne  c. Queen Mary  d. Queen Olha

2.                Asian countries began exporting tea to England in

a.                 the 15th century b. the 16th century  c. the 17th century  d. the 18th century

3.                British people hold ceremonies on

a.                 Thanksgiving Day  b. engagement  c. weekends  d. weddings

4.                Afternoon tea is served between

a.                 1p.m.  and 3 p.m.  b. 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.  c. 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.  d. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.

5.                The Afternoon tea ceremony began in

a.                 the 16th century b. the 17th century  c. the 18th century  d. the 19th century

6.                The Duchess of Bedford had a cup of tea with

a.                 lemon  b. sweets  c. bread  d. apple-pie

7.                Afternoon tea is also known as

a.                 low tea  b. high tea  c. middle tea  d. tea with sugar and milk

8.                Tea cups for traditional tea ceremony

a.                 usually have one handle   b. usually have two handles  c. usually have no handles  d. are usually green or red  

9.                The British usually drink  

a.                 oolong tea  b. black tea  c. green tea  d. white tea

10.           The British usually drink their tea with

a.                 bread  b. lemon  c. sandwiches  d. salt

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences). (3 бали). 

Тема навчальної програми «Харчування»


Контроль навичок письма


Варіант І


Task 1. Fill in the table “Food”. (2 бали)


Good food

Bad food

Special food

Simple food

Healthy food

Unhealthy food









Well-prepared, vegetarian, exotic, cheap, basic, nutritious, rich in calories, fine, delicious, yummy, disgusting, homemade, decent, quality made, fatty, GM.


Task 2. Matching exercise (3 бали).











beet soup often made with meat.

cabbage rolls stuffed with minced meat, rice and vegetables.

roast pork, lamb, beef, poultry or veal.

potato fritters served with sour cream or cottage cheese.

a drink made from bread with a sweet-sour taste.


Task 3. Gapped text (4 бали).


National cuisine (1) a part of any national culture. Many of the Ukrainian cooking traditions go back hundreds of years. Ukrainians, for example, used to (2) boiled, stwed or baked food to fried food.

Five thousand years ago, people of the Trypillia culture (3) wheat, barley, and millet. Rye (4) much later, about a thousand years ago. Kasha, kulish and halushky (5) the most popular dishes among the Chumacks and the Cossacks.

The chronicles (6) evidence that cabbage, onions, turnips and garlic (7) for food in the early medieval times, as well as beef, veal, pork, mutton, poultry and fish. The meat obtained by hunting (8) usually rather than fried. A list of dairy products (9) quite long. Various kinds of beans (10) always popular in Ukraine. Buckwheat (11) from somewhere in Asia in the 11th or 12th century. Melons, watermelons, corn, pumpkins and potatoes (12) to Ukraine as well as sunflower and mustard in the 16th – 17th centuries, tomatoes and eggplant were added to the diet in the 19th century.








to be





to prefer






to grow




to come


had come



to be





to provide





were used

to be used

was used

had been used


to be boiled

was boiled

had been boiled

were boiled


to be






have been




be imported

is imported

was imported

were imported


were brought

was brought

had been brought



Task 4. Write about your favourite dish (8 – 10 sentences). (3 бали).


Тема навчальної програми «Харчування»


Контроль навичок письма


Варіант ІI


Task 1. Fill in the table “Food”. (2 бали)


Good food

Bad food

Special food

Simple food

Healthy food

Unhealthy food









Tasty, international cuisine, gourmet, excellent, rotten, junk, yucky, everyday, wonderful, nourishing, high-calorie, reasonable, freshly made, natural, fast.


Task 2. Matching exercise (3 бали).











boiled dumplings stuffed with fruit, potatoes, cabbage, meat, etc.

crepes served with meat, jam, caviar, etc.

jellied meat or fish.

fried dough similar to doughnuts.

a drink made from fresh or dried fruit.


Task 3. Gapped text (4 бали).


Borsch (1) certainly a national dish of Ukraine. This uniquely Ukrainian soup has many versions (2) throughout the country. It (3) the individuality of Ukrainians as well as their skills for creating dishes. The beet-based soup can (4) as many as 20 different ingredients (5) on the season, region and of course the personal preferences of the cook. It can be meatless or prepared from a rich meat stock and either beef or smoked pork.

Varenyky (6) dumplings made from boiled or fried dough which can (7) with meat, potatoes, cabbage and mushrooms as an entrée, filled with cherries or sweetened cottage cheese and raisins they can be a dessert and they can be accomplished by butter or sour cream.

Holubtsi are cabbage rolls (8) with meat and rice or buckwheat. They (9) often with a thin tomato sauce.

Salads (10) often with mayonnaise. The favourite among Ukrainians Olivier salad (11) by a French cook in the 19th century is made of boiled vegetables, eggs and cold meat seasoned with mayonnaise. Salads are common but rather than (12) a lettuce-based salad, combinations of fresh, cooked and preserved vegetables mixed with meat, cheese or fish.











has been





is served


to reflect





to contain








to depend




have been

has been


to be filled

be filled

is filled

are filled



to stuff

is stuffed



are covered

is covered

be covered





are prepared

is prepared


to create



was created







Task 4. Write about Ukrainian cuisine  (8 – 10 sentences). (3 бали).


Тема навчальної програми «Природа і погода»


Контроль навичок аудіювання

Vesuvius Erupts               

After centuries of dormancy, Mount Vesuvius erupts in southern Italy, devastating the prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum and killing thousands. The cities, buried under a thick layer of volcanic material and mud, were never rebuilt and largely forgotten in the course of history. In the 18th century, Pompeii and Herculaneum were rediscovered and excavated, providing an unprecedented archaeological record of the everyday life of an ancient civilization, startlingly preserved in sudden death.

The ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum thrived near the base of Mount Vesuvius at the Bay of Naples. In the time of the early Roman Empire, 20,000 people lived in Pompeii, including merchants, manufacturers, and farmers who exploited the rich soil of the region with numerous vineyards and orchards. None suspected that the black fertile earth was the legacy of earlier eruptions of Mount Vesuvius. Herculaneum was a city of 5,000 and a favorite summer destination for rich Romans. Named for the mythic hero Hercules, Herculaneum housed opulent villas and grand Roman baths. Gambling artifacts found in Herculaneum and a brothel unearthed in Pompeii attest to the decadent nature of the cities. There were smaller resort communities in the area as well, such as the quiet little town of Stabiae.

At noon on August 24, 79 A.D., this pleasure and prosperity came to an end when the peak of Mount Vesuvius exploded, propelling a 10-mile mushroom cloud of ash and pumice into the stratosphere. For the next 12 hours, volcanic ash and a hail of pumice stones up to 3 inches in diameter showered Pompeii, forcing the city’s occupants to flee in terror. Some 2,000 people stayed in Pompeii, holed up in cellars or stone structures, hoping to wait out the eruption.

A westerly wind protected Herculaneum from the initial stage of the eruption, but then a giant cloud of hot ash and gas surged down the western flank of Vesuvius, engulfing the city and burning or asphyxiating all who remained. This lethal cloud was followed by a flood of volcanic mud and rock, burying the city.

The people who remained in Pompeii were killed on the morning of August 25 when a cloud of toxic gas poured into the city, suffocating all that remained. A flow of rock and ash followed, collapsing roofs and walls and burying the dead.

Much of what we know about the eruption comes from an account by Pliny the Younger, who was staying west along the Bay of Naples when Vesuvius exploded. In two letters to the historian Tacitus, he told of how “people covered their heads with pillows, the only defense against a shower of stones,” and of how “a dark and horrible cloud charged with combustible matter suddenly broke and set forth. Some bewailed their own fate. Others prayed to die.” Pliny, only 17 at the time, escaped the catastrophe and later became a noted Roman writer and administrator. His uncle, Pliny the Elder, was less lucky. Pliny the Elder, a celebrated naturalist, at the time of the eruption was the commander of the Roman fleet in the Bay of Naples. After Vesuvius exploded, he took his boats across the bay to Stabiae, to investigate the eruption and reassure terrified citizens. After going ashore, he was overcome by toxic gas and died.

According to Pliny the Younger’s account, the eruption lasted 18 hours. Pompeii was buried under 14 to 17 feet of ash and pumice, and the nearby seacoast was drastically changed. Herculaneum was buried under more than 60 feet of mud and volcanic material. Some residents of Pompeii later returned to dig out their destroyed homes and salvage their valuables, but many treasures were left and then forgotten.

In the 18th century, a well-known digger unearthed a marble statue on the site of Herculaneum. The local government excavated some other valuable art objects, but the project was abandoned. In 1748, a farmer found traces of Pompeii beneath his vineyard. Since then, excavations have gone on nearly without interruption until the present. In 1927, the Italian government resumed the excavation of Herculaneum, retrieving numerous art treasures, including bronze and marble statues and paintings.

The remains of 2,000 men, women, and children were found at Pompeii. After perishing from asphyxiation, their bodies were covered with ash that hardened and preserved the outline of their bodies. Later, their bodies decomposed to skeletal remains, leaving a kind of plaster mold behind. Archaeologists who found these molds filled the hollows with plaster, revealing in grim detail the death pose of the victims of Vesuvius. The rest of the city is likewise frozen in time, and ordinary objects that tell the story of everyday life in Pompeii are as valuable to archaeologists as the great unearthed statues and frescoes. It was not until 1982 that the first human remains were found at Herculaneum, and these hundreds of skeletons bear ghastly burn marks that testifies to horrifying deaths.

Today, Mount Vesuvius is the only active volcano on the European mainland. Its last eruption was in 1944 and its last major eruption was in 1631. Another eruption is expected in the near future, would could be devastating for the 700,000 people who live in the “death zones” around Vesuvius.


Варіант І


Task I. True or false statements (+ / -) (4 бали).


1.                Mount Vesuvius is situated in eastern Italy.

2.                The ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were situated near the base of Mount Vesuvius.

3.                Vesuvius erupted on August 24, 79 A.D. and destroyed prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

4.                25,000 people were killed and injured during that volcanic eruption.

5.                Citizens of Pompeii holed up in cellars or stone structures were rescued in the morning of August 25.

6.                A giant cloud of hot ash and gas buried Herculaneum.

7.                Pliny the Younger was the only man who survived during the volcanic eruption.

8.                The historian Tacitus wrote that people covered their heads with pillows to defense against stones.

9.                In the seventeenth century were found traces of Pompeii.

10.           Nowadays Mount Vesuvius is the only active volcano in Europe.


Task 2. Multiple choice (a, b, c or d) (5 балів).


1.                Mount Vesuvius is situated in … Italy.

a.                 northern  b. southern  c. western  d. eastern

2.                The prosperous cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were situated

a.                 at the bay of Naples  b.  on the top  of Mount Vesuvius  c. far from the base of Mount Vesuvius  d. not far from Rome

3.                … people lived in Pompeii and Herculaneum.

a.                 10,000  b. 15,000  c. 20,000 d. 25,000

4.                In … the volcano Vesuvius erupted.

a.                 winter  b. spring  c. summer  d. autumn

5.                Volcanic ash and stones forced the citizens of Pompeii to

a.                 stay at home  b. flee  c. build new houses  d. build new walls

6.                Citizens of  Herculaneum

a.                 fled  b. blocked in their houses  c. moved to  new houses  d. were suffocated

7.                Eruption of Vesuvius lasted … hours.

a.                 sixteen  b. seventeen  c.   eighteen  d. nineteen

8.                Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried under

a.                 sand  b. ash  c. water d. rocks

9.                Archeologists found

a.                 precious gold coins b. ancient manuscripts  c. marble art objects  d. oil paintings

10.           Last eruption of Mount Vesuvius was recorded in

a.                 79  b. 1638  c. 1784  d. 1944


Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences) (3 бали).


Варіант ІІ


Task I. True or false statements (+ / -) (4 бали).


1.                Mount Vesuvius is situated in southern Italy.

2.                The ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were situated on the top  of Mount Vesuvius.

3.                In the eighteenth century those cities were rediscovered.

4.                Vesuvius erupted on August 24, 79 B.C. and destroyed prosperous Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

5.                2,000 people of Herculaneum were killed and injured during that volcanic eruption.

6.                Citizens of Pompeii holed up in cellars or stone structures died because of suffocation in the morning of August 25.

7.                A flood of volcanic ash and rocks destroyed Herculaneum.

8.                Pliny the Elder was the only man who survived during the volcanic eruption.

9.                Pliny the Younger wrote that the eruption lasted for eighteen hours.

10.           The last eruption of Vesuvius was in 1631.


Task 2. Multiple choice (a, b, c or d) (5 балів).


1.                Mount Vesuvius is situated in … Italy.

a.                 eastern  b. western  c. northern  d. southern

2.                The prosperous cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were situated

a.                 not far from Rome b. far from the base of Mount Vesuvius  c. on the top  of Mount Vesuvius  d. at the bay of Naples 

3.                 … people lived in Pompeii and Herculaneum.

a.                 25,000  b. 20,000  c. 15,000 d. 10,000

4.                In … the volcano Vesuvius erupted.

a. spring  b. summer  c. autumn d. winter 

5.                Volcanic ash and stones forced the citizens of Pompeii to

a.                 build new houses  b. build new walls c. stay at home  d. flee 

6.                Citizens of  Herculaneum

a.                 fled  b. blocked in their houses  c. moved to  new houses  d. were suffocated

7.                Eruption of Vesuvius lasted … hours.

a.                 nineteen b. eighteen  c. seventeen d. sixteen 

8.                Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried under

a.                 stones   b. sand  c. water d. ash

9.                Archeologists found

a.                 precious silver jewelry b. ancient marble statues  c. ruined temples  d. expensive paintings

10.           Last eruption of Mount Vesuvius was recorded in

a.                 79  b. 1944  c. 1784  d. 1982


Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences) (3 бали).









Тема навчальної програми «Природа і погода»


Контроль навичок говоріння

Comment quotations:

1.                Our natural world is alive with beauty and wonder. It’s important for our peace of mind and our enthusiasm for life to love the world we live in and care for the earth and all living things.  (author unknown)

2.                We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn’t have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness. (Petra Nemcova)

or tell about:

3.                Facing natural disasters.

4.                Natural disasters and their consequences.

5.                Natural disasters in Ukraine.

6.                Natural disasters in the world.

7.                Natural disasters and severe weather.

Критерії оцінювання за 12-бальною системою

№ п / п

Назва критерію

Кількість балів


Відповідність повідомлення зазначеній темі, комунікативній ситуації, поставленому завданню (відповідає – частково - не відповідає)

1 – 0,5 – 0


Повнота розкриття теми (повністю, частково, нерозкрита).

1 – 0,5 - 0


Організація повідомлення. Чітко (нечітко або взагалі не) прослідковується логічність висловлювань і його структура.

1 – 0,5 – 0


Достатність обсягу. Згідно чинної програми МОН з англійської мови «Рівень стандарт» обсяг усного висловлювання має становити не менше 20 речень (5 речень – 1 бал).



Лексико-граматична наповнюваність. Учнем вживаються переважно не прості розповідні (0,5 – 1 бал), а складнопідрядні і складносурядні речення, різноманітні лексичні одиниці, сталі граматичні структури, ідіоми, кліше для вираження власної думки, оціночних суджень і т.п.                    (2 бали). За помилки знімаються бали (0-2 помилки знімається 0 балів, 4-6 - 0, 5  балів, 7-9 – 1 бал, 10 і більше помилок – 1,5  бали)



Творчий підхід (супровід повідомлення фото, ілюстрації та картинки,  власна презентація)

1 – 2 – 3

Оцінка утворюється шляхом підрахунку загальної кількості набраних балів. При необхідності бали заокруглюються.

Тема навчальної програми «Природа і погода»


Контроль навичок читання


Варіант І

The Causes of Floods

Floods are second only to fire as the most common of all natural disasters. They occur almost everywhere in the world, resulting in widespread damage and even death. Consequently, scientists have long tried to perfect their ability to predict floods. So far, the best that scientists can do is to recognize the potential for flooding in certain conditions. There are a number of conditions, from deep snow on the ground to human error, that cause flooding.

When deep snow melts it creates a large amount of water. Although deep snow alone rarely causes floods, when it occurs together with heavy rain and sudden warmer weather it can lead to serious flooding. If there is a fast snow melt on top of frozen or very wet ground, flooding is more likely to occur than when the ground is not frozen. Frozen ground or ground that is very wet and already saturated with water cannot absorb the additional water created by the melting snow. Melting snow also contributes to high water levels in rivers and streams. Whenever rivers are already at their full capacity of water, heavy rains will result in the rivers overflowing and flooding the surrounding land.

Rivers that are covered in ice can also lead to flooding. When ice begins to melt, the surface of the ice cracks and breaks into large pieces. These pieces of ice move and float down the river. They can form a dam in the river, causing the water behind the dam to rise and flood the land upstream. If the dam breaks suddenly, then the large amount of water held behind the dam can flood the areas downstream too.

Broken ice dams are not the only dam problems that can cause flooding. When a large human-made dam breaks or fails to hold the water collected behind it, the results can be devastating. Dams contain such huge amounts of water behind them that when sudden breaks occur, the destructive force of the water is like a great tidal wave. Unleashed dam waters can travel tens of kilometres, cover the ground in metres of mud and debris, and drown and crush everything and creature in their path.

Although scientists cannot always predict exactly when floods will occur, they do know a great deal about when floods are likely, or probably, going to occur. Deep snow, ice-covered rivers, and weak dams are all strong conditions for potential flooding. Hopefully, this knowledge of why floods happen can help us reduce the damage they cause.

Task 1. True or false statements (+ / -) (3 бали).


1.                Floods are second to earthquakes as the most terrifying of natural hazards.

2.                Nowadays scientists can predict most of floods.

3.                Deep snow often causes floods.

4.                Flood are most likely to occur in winter.

5.                Rivers that are covered with ice often cause floods.

6.                There is a great number of conditions that can cause floods.


Task 2. Answer the following questions (6 балів).


1.                What are the conditions that cause floods?

2.                Where do floods occur?

3.                How can deep snow cause floods?

4.                What rivers can lead to flooding?

5.                Can broken ice lead to flooding? Why?

6.                 Can scientists predicts floods? Give your reasons.

Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences) (3 бали).


Тема навчальної програми «Природа і погода»

                         Контроль навичок читання


                                   Варіант ІІ


Earthquakes and Tsunamis

 by Sue Peterson


           Earthquakes are the sudden shock of the earth’s surface that result in the earth shaking and rolling. They can be felt over large geographical areas for brief moments of time. This is a natural way for the earth to release stress. Did you know that more than a million earthquakes shock the world each year?

          There are nearly 20 tectonic plates that are along the earth’s surface that continuously move past each other. When these plates stretch or squeeze, huge rocks form at their edges and the rocks shift causing an earthquake. The plates move and put forces on each other so the earth’s crust breaks for this stress to be released in the form of energy. This energy then moves at a terrifying rate through the earth as an earthquake.

         A seismograph is an instrument used to record the strength of the earthquake. It also measures how long the earthquake occurs. Other significant terms to know concerning the topic of earthquakes include the “epicenter” and the Richter Scale, a measurement of an earthquake’s intensity.

         The points on the Richter Scale correspond to the amount of shaking of the earth (ten times the amount of shaking and 33 times the amount of energy). It has been reported that the energy released by a large earthquake may be equal to 10,000 times the energy of the first atomic bomb and cause anxiety-ridden victims to panic. Following is a

chart that shows the types of earthquakes and the rating of each on the Richter Scale:

Richter Scale

4 Minor Earthquake

5 Moderate Earthquake

6 Strong Earthquake

7 Major Earthquake

8 Great Earthquake

         If you live in a region of the world that has been known to have a history of earthquakes, it is advised that you assemble a well-equipped safety and emergency kit. It is also imperative to have an established disaster plan so everyone remains safe. During an actual earthquake, it is advisable to get under a sturdy piece of furniture where nothing can fall on you and to stay clear of glass windows and larger objects. If you are outdoors, you need to stay far away of buildings, trees, and power lines. If you are in a car, it is important to drive to a safe area and stay in the car until the trembles stop.

        There may be aftershocks, movements after the earthquake. Check for personal injuries and damage to your home when all movement has subsided. It is urgent that you remain calm.


         Tsunamis are formed by the displacement of water, either a landslide, volcanic eruption or by the slippage of the earth’s plates, rock about 15-200 kilometers (50,000-650,000 feet) deep that carry the continents and seas of the earth on an underground ocean of hot, semi-solid material. Tsunamis are large ocean waves that flow straight avoiding any winding and circular turns like most every day waves.

         Tsunamis travel up to 965 kph (600 mph), thus capable of causing severe damage with their treacherous speed alone. They travel the fastest in deeper water, yet hit near the shoreline at 48-64 kph (30-40 mph).


Task 1. True or false statements (+ / -) (3 бали).


1.                Earthquakes are the sudden fall of rocks and ground.

2.                More than 1,000,000 earthquakes shock the world every year.

3.                The energy released by a large earthquake is equal to ten thousand times the energy of the first atomic bomb had.

4.                The Richter Scale is an instrument to measure the length of the earthquake.

5.                If you are outdoors during an actual earthquake, you need to hide somewhere under trees or power lines.

6.                Tsunamis are huge sea and ocean waves formed in the result of displacement of water, a landslide, volcanic eruption or underwater earthquake.

Task 2. Answer the following questions (6 балів).

1.                What is an earthquake?

2.                What instruments are used to measure earthquakes?

3.                What should you do during an earthquake?

4.                What is not advisable to do during earthquakes?

5.                What is a tsunami?

6.                Why are tsunamis dangerous? Give your reasons.


Task 3. Write a short summary of the text (8 – 10 sentences) (3 бали).



Тема навчальної програми «Природа і погода»


Контроль навичок письма


Варіант І


Task 1. Matching exercise (2 бали).


1.                A forest fire

a.                 is a violent shaking of the ground. Sometimes it’s so strong that the ground splits.

2.                A tornado

b.                is a spurting out of gases and hot lava from an opening in the Earth’s crust.

3.                A landslide

c.                 is caused by an overflow of water which covers the land that is usually dry.

4.                A volcanic eruption

d.                can burn out of control in forest areas or bush lands. It can be caused by lightning, sparks of electricity or careless people.

5.                A flood

e.                 is a sudden fall of a lot of land or rocks down a hill, cliff, etc.

6.                An earthquake

f.                  is a very strong wind that moves very fast in a circle.


Task 2. Gapped text (3 бали).


Earthquakes, hazards, damage, erupted, natural, volcano, destroy, caused, injured


Many natural events can injure or kill people and (1) _________ or (2) ________ homes, farms and cities. Such acts of nature are called natural (3) ________. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions are all natural hazards. So are tornadoes, droughts and avalanches.

The natural hazards most feared by the people of Central America are (4) _______. In 1972 an earthquake hit Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. It killed nearly 10,000 people, (5) _______ 20,000 more, and destroyed 50,000 houses. In Costa Rica the volcano Irazu (6) _______ in 1963, destroying farms and spreading ash over San Jose, the capital. In Guatemala the (7) ________ Fuego erupted in 1974. It destroyed many coffee farms and (8) ________ other damage.

No part of the world is totally free from (9) ________ hazards.

Task 3. Translate into English (4 бали).

1.                Під час ураганів з корінням можуть вивертатися дерева, будівлі руйнуються, а люди травмуються. 2. Посуха – це відсутність дощів на протязі довгого часу.              3. Японія часто потерпає від цунамі – величезних хвиль. 4. Найчастіше торнадо (швидкі сильні вітри у формі спіралі) стаються в теплу пору року.

Task 4. Write about the natural disasters you have heard of recently (8 – 10 sentences).  (3 бали).


Тема навчальної програми «Природа і погода»


Контроль навичок письма


Варіант ІІ


Task 1. Matching exercise (2 бали).


1.                A tsunami

a.                is a terrible wind that rushes across the land. During it trees are often uprooted, buildings can be destroyed and cars can be overturned.

2.                A blizzard

b.               happens when huge amounts of snow or rocks fall down the side of a mountain.

3.                A landslide

c.                is the lack of rain for a long time.

4.                A cyclone

d.               happens when there is a very strong cold wind and heavy snow.

5.                A drought

e.                 is a very large wave caused by extreme conditions such as earthquakes. It can cause a lot of damage when it reaches the land.

6.                A  hurricane

f.                 is a storm that has very strong fast winds and usually moves over water.


Task 2. Gapped text (3 бали).


Destroyed (2 times), withstand, natural, damaged,

damage, earthquake, earthquakes, hazards


(1)             ________hazards have been important in Central American history. Guatemala’s capital has been moved twice because of natural (2) _________. Ciudad Vieja, the first capital, was (3) _______ in 1541 by a giant landslide. Many people were killed, including the governor and his servants. The capital was (4) _______many times by earthquakes and (5) ______ by a severe (6) _______ in 1773. A few years later the capital was moved to Guatemala City. The new capital has had many (7) _______, too. Today, however, buildings can be built in ways that help them withstand (8) _______. Most of the serious damage was to the houses of poor people. Their houses are not enough to (9) ________ earthquakes.


Task 3. Translate into English (4 бали).


1.                Лісові пожежі найчастіше трапляються через необережне поводження людей з вогнем. 2. Виверження вулкану – це викид гарячої лави і газів з кратеру вулкана, що може завдавати нищівної шкоди людям. 3. У Китаї нещодавно стався зсув грунту (раптовий зсув землі і каміння), що повністю знищив село. 4. Потоп – це затоплення суші.

2.                Task 4. Write about the natural disasters that influenced life in your region (8 – 10 sentences).  (3 бали).











Список використаних джерел:



1.                Карп¢юк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 10-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль: «Астон», 2015

2.                 Карп¢юк О.Д. Робочий зошит з англійської мови для 10-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль: «Лібра Терра», 2015

3.                Марченко А. контрольні роботи для підготовки до ДПА з англійської мови 9 клас. – Т.: 2014.

4.                https://my23.sd23.bc.ca/class/jlimk66/AnalyticsReports/Story%202%20-%20Ruthless.pdf

5.                http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/athens_games/history.htm

6.                http://www.azquotes.com/quote/597271

7.                http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/desmondtut112366.html

8.                https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/558952-friendship-is-the-source-of-the-greatest-pleasures-and-without

9.                https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/18064-kind-words-can-be-short-and-easy-to-speak-but

10.           http://www.slideplayer.com/slide/4602374/

11.           http://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/ukrainian-meals-114056#/page/1

12.           http://tv-english.club/articles-en/discover-great-britain-en/time-honoured-traditions-of-english-tea-ceremony/

13.           https://elt.oup.com/elt/students/headway/pdf/dyslexiafriendly/hwy_elem_reading_text_u8.pdf

14.           http://elt.oup.com/elt/students/headway/pdf/dyslexiafriendly/hwy_elem_reading_text_u8.pdf

15.            http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/490/reading/floods2-reading.htm

16.           http://m.k5learning.com/sites/all/files/worksheets/K5_RC_Gr6_LV1_SampleW.pdf

17.               http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/vesuvius-erupts

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